
to the student non-profit association Law&Legal e.V. with offices in Bayreuth, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Halle, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Munich and Tübingen! We offer free legal advice to students and those in financial need.

We at Law&Legal e.V. are a non-profit association based in Tübingen, Germany, offering pro bono legal consulting by law students. We have over 1,000 members nationwide, making us one of the largest student-run legal counseling organizations in Germany. We currently have offices at the law faculties in Bayreuth, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Halle, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Munich and Tübingen.

Wir finden, eine fachlich fundierte Beratung bei Rechtsproblemen darf nicht vom Geldbeutel abhängen. Daher arbeiten wir zu 100 Prozent ehrenamtlich und nehmen für unsere außergerichtliche Rechtsberatung kein Honorar. Unsere Mandant:innen sind im Regelfall Studierende oder andere Personen, die sich eine konventionelle Beratung durch eine Anwältin oder einen Anwalt nicht leisten können. Wir beraten hauptsächlich im Mietrecht, Kaufrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht sowie im Sozialrecht und im allgemeinen Vertragsrecht.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at any time via e-mail at  kontaktieren.

We consistently welcome novel collaborations and partnerships. Please also have a look at our section Cooperations!

Please feel free to submit a consultation request. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Executive Committee

Law&Legal helped me out of a financially very stressful situation. The open and friendly team successfully takes on major corporations if need be.

I felt very well looked after at Law&Legal and was given extremely satisfactory advice. The dispute with my property management was resolved professionally and successfully. For this reason, I can recommend Law&Legal to everyone. Thank you very much!

Law&Legal helped me find a fair compromise with my ex-boyfriend, enabling me to maintain a respectful relationship with him at present.

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