Law&Legal studentische Rechtsberatung e.V. is a non-profit association that offers free legal advice to people in need and students. The legal basis for advice by students is § 6 para. 2 RDG. The range of advice offered is limited to an amount in dispute of €5,000. Tax and criminal law cases are excluded from the range of advice. The activities as consultants enable law students to gain practical legal experience while contributing to a fairer society. In order to ensure a consistently high level of advice, we look for above-average academic performance, social commitment and excellent communication skills when selecting our consultants. The advisory work is always carried out under the guidance of fully qualified lawyers. In addition, we provide our members with further training through workshops on specific areas of advice and law in cooperation with our regional and national partner law firms.

Our statutes:

Here you can see the current statutes of our association:

Board of Directors

Der Vereinsvorstand von Law&Legal e.V. wird zurzeit von insgesamt sechs Vorstandsmitgliedern gestellt. Der geschäftsführende Vorstand (Julia Neubauer (Vors.), Juliane Hofmann, Clara Wiemer, Miran Özkan) vertritt den Verein. Die Vorstandsmitglieder nehmen maßgeblich vereinsübergreifende und repräsentative Aufgaben wahr und entscheiden über die strategische Ausrichtung des Vereins. Der Verein lebt durch den intensiven Austausch. Die Standorte wirken aktiv an der Vereinsarbeit mit und bringen sich in den vereinsinternen Ausschüssen ein.

Julia Neubauer

Managing Director

Juliane Hofmann

Chief of Public Relations

Cosimo Herold

Chief of Consulting

Clara Wiemer

Chief of Finance

Miran Özkan

Chief of Finance

Kilian Brandt

Vorstand für Personal

Supervisory board

The Supervisory Board is an independent body of the association. Its main task is to advise the Management Board on specific matters. It also serves as a general supervisory body for monitoring the work of the Executive Board and is involved in certain internal association processes such as the exclusion of members. The Supervisory Board is generally made up of long-standing members of the association who use their association experience from former management and Executive Board work for quality control in the Supervisory Board.


The Supervisory Board can be contacted at .

Moritz Grigat


Former Head of Consulting at the Frankfurt office

Former Management Board for Consulting 2023

Student at Frankfurt's Goethe University

Korbinian Seidl

Stellvertretender Vorsitz

Former location manager in Munich

Former Board Member for Public Relations and Deputy Board Member Board of Directors 2023

Research assistant in patent law

Louisa Brandl

Supervisory Board Member

Founding member and former site manager of the Hamburg site

Former Chairwoman of the Executive Board 2023

Law student in Hamburg

Dr. Christoph Weber

Supervisory Board Member

Former member of site management in Bayreuth

Ehem. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Bayreuth
Rechtsrefendar am OLG Bamberg

Vanessa Domingues

Supervisory Board Member

Research assistant at the University of Bayreuth

Research assistant in a Hamburg notary's office

Advisory Board

During the entire counselling process, we work closely with fully qualified lawyers in our association advisory board. On the one hand, this improves the quality of counselling and, on the other hand, we meet the requirements of the RDG (Legal Services Act).

We are regularly looking for new members for our advisory board. If you are interested, please contact the board of directors. We look forward to working with you in the future!

Our advisory board currently consists of, among others:

Valentin Löffelad


Valentin Löffelad has been a member of the association's advisory board since 2019 and is a lawyer based in Tübingen.

Dr. Joel Straub, Notar

Rechtsassessor and doctoral candidate

Dr. Jonas Bühler


Jan Fabian Roller


Jan Fabian Roller is a fully qualified lawyer and has been a member of the association's advisory board since 2015. He looks after the Berlin office on a voluntary basis.

Patrick Gsell, LL.M.

LL.M., Company lawyer

Patrick has been an advisory board member of Law&Legal since 2012. He is the company data protection officer and in-house lawyer at SEW Eurodrive GmbH & Co. KG.

Prof. Dr. André Meyer


Prof. Dr. André Meyer, LL.M. holds the Chair of Civil Law and Tax Law, Corporate and Accounting Law at the University of Bayreuth and has been a member of the association's advisory board since 2016.

Zwischen der Theorie, die an den Universitäten gelehrt wird, und der bei deutschen Gerichten vorherrschenden Praxis liegt in vielerlei Hinsicht eben doch ein weites Feld. Daher können Studierende gar nicht früh genug damit beginnen, sich mit der anwaltlichen Mandatsbearbeitung zu befassen.
Jan Fabian Roller
Die Berater bei Law&Legal haben die Möglichkeit, schon während ihres Studiums ihr theoretisches Wissen anhand von realen Fällen ihrer Kommilitonen anzuwenden und einen Eindruck von der anwaltlichen Tätigkeit zu bekommen. Zur Sicherstellung einer hohen Beratungsqualität arbeitet Law&Legal mit Anwälten und Professoren zusammen. Dieses ehrenamtliche Engagement unterstütze ich gern als anleitender Volljurist
Prof. Dr. André Meyer
Professor Universität Bayreuth
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