
As the second location of the federal association Law & Legal e.V.,
we have been offering free pro bonolegal advice since the beginning of 2014.


Most often, our free legal advice covers everyday legal problems that may arise, for example, in the context with a purchase, rental contracts, or employment. However, if required, we also handle more complicated legal issues from the broadest areas of civil law.


Our work focuses on advising students, people with low incomes, non-profit associations and others in need around Heidelberg, Mannheim and Ludwigshafen.

Our team consists of law students in the advanced stages of their studies,

members doing their legal clerkship, PhD candidates, and lawyers. In addition, our advisory association members continue their education via workshops that are organised throughout Germany in cooperation with law firms. This enables us to offer comprehensive, high-quality advice.

Are you interested in our legal advice?


We look forward to your request with a short case description via our request-form.


You can find more information about our association here and the general  process of counselling. 

If you have any questions about Law & Legal Heidelberg, please contact our local management.

will be happy to provide additional information.




Your job as a consultant


Volunteering as a consultant at Law&Legal in Heidelberg offers you the unique opportunity to gain practical experience during your studies and to apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired so far to a real case. In doing so, you will obtain skills that can be advantageous in your later career, such as writing comprehensible pleadings, conducting telephone calls, and settlement negotiations with the opposing party. In addition, your knowledge and commitment will benefit people in need. Finally, our members are trained by lawyers in internal qualification workshops in areas of law that are particularly relevant for legal counselling, which can also be beneficial for exam preparation.

Application requirements:

For our team, we are looking for committed and interested law students from the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg who have passed their intermediate exams. A short letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and an overview of academic achievements to date are required for the application. One can apply at the beginning of each semester. We are going to publish the deadlines well in advance every semester. The complete application documents should be sent to:

Zu Beginn jedes Semesters gibt es eine einheitliche Bewerbungsphase. Informationen zu Bewerbungsfrist und Infoveranstaltungen veröffentlichen wir auch immer zu Beginn der Bewerbungsphase auf Instagram unter @lawandlegal.de.


Application phase summer semester 2024


Application deadline for the application phase in the summer semester 2024 is Montag, der 6. Mai 2024. For all questions about Law&Legal and the application process, our information event will take place on Thursday, May 2, 2024 um 18:00 Uhr (s.t.) unsere Informationsveranstaltung im ÜR 3 der juristischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg statt! Für Pizza ist gesorgt. 

Wenn ihr der Veranstaltung digital folgen wollt, schreibt uns bitte eine kurze Nachricht an .


Informationen für Jurastudierende der Universität Mannheim

Ab diesem Sommersemester 2024 ist in unserem Verein auch die Beratung durch Studierende des Kombinationsstudiengangs Unternehmensjurist/-in (LL.B/Staatsexamen) der Universität Mannheim zugelassen.


Voraussetzung für eine Aufnahme in unseren Verein ist der Abschluss des zweiten Fachsemesters sowie das Bestehen folgender Klausuren:

-Einführung in das Zivilrecht

-Allgemeine Rechtsgeschäftslehre



-Grundlagen des Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrechts.

Zudem wird es für Studierende aus Mannheim eine Weiterbildungsveranstaltung im Öffentlichen Recht geben, deren Besuch für eine Aufnahme der Beratertätigkeit erforderlich ist.


Wir freuen uns sehr über Bewerbungen von Studierenden der Universität Mannheim! Für weitere Informationen schreibt uns gerne eine Nachricht (), um online an der Informationsveranstaltung teilzunehmen.


Wir freuen uns auf Euch! 


Office Management

Ole Marthe

Head of Berlin Office

Christine Xu

Head of Human Resources

Felicitas Trumic

Head of Human Resources

Moritz Rabsahl

Head of Professional Development

Thore Spangenberg

Head of Consulting

Kira Frietsch

Head of Public Relations

Andreas Knecht

Head of public releations, Deputy location manager

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