
Our office in Frankfurt currently holds more than 110 dedicated law students and trainee lawyers, who have already successfully passed the first state exam. Our core task of legal consulting is provided by teams of four to six members. In addition, our consulting teams are pro-bono supported by law firms such as Simmons & Simmons LLP, SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz as well as the legal department of UBS. We offer our pro-bono legal consulting in multiple fields of legal advice. It ranges from issues regarding commercial law, tenancy law to difficulties relating to contracts for work and services. It covers the entire examination material of the first state exam. Our consultants are trained within the association and through various cooperations with law firms, that offer workshops exclusively for our core activity. This is how we ensure high quality advice from our dedicated members right from the start.

Du hast Interesse daran, Jura auch praktisch anzuwenden und möchtest deutschlandweit andere begeisterte Mitglieder unseres Vereins kennen lernen? Dann bewirb Dich für das Sommersemester 2024. 

Are you interested in our legal advice?

We look forward to your request with a short case description via our request form.


You can find more information about our association here and the general  process of counselling. 


New cooperation!

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to support our members in their further education with our new collaboration Hemmer !


Your job as a consultant

Studying law involves a comparatively long period of education. As a member of our association, you will have the opportunity to put your legal knowledge into practice during your studies, beyond the theoretical solution of cases. By working in our consulting teams, you will have the chance to deal with legal questions and problems based on real cases, already during your training period. In doing so, you will acquire skills that can be useful in your upcoming professional career. For example, writing comprehensible pleadings or conducting telephone calls and settlement negotiations with the opposing party. Above all, your knowledge and commitment will benefit people in need.

Application requirements

We accept new members on a half-yearly basis. 

Interested applicants should possess the following qualities:

  • In-depth legal knowledge
  • Interest in legal issues and the practical application of theoretical knowledge
  • A willingness to show initiative and teamwork, as well as willingness to solve a case and explain it in a way that is understandable to people without a legal background.

Please send us a short letter of motivation, your intermediate examination certificate and your CV.

Bitte schickt eure vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an:

Bewerbungsphase für das Sommersemester 2024

Zu jedem Semesterbeginn startet auch unsere Bewerbungsphase. 

Genaue Daten werden rechtzeitig an dieser Stelle und auf unseren Social Media Kanälen bekannt gegeben.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Florian Bauer

Head of Berlin Office

Antonia Egner

Head of Public Relations

Miriam Kunze

Head of Human Resources

Katharina Behle

Head of Consulting

Carolin Thierauf

Head of Consulting

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